Saturday, February 16, 2008

A Good Trade?

The kids are home for the first of a three-day weekend. Lars kicked off the celebration with a slumber party last night, so he's ahead on the crankies by a good three hours of missed sleep. Ross, only marginally jealous of the sleepover party, has still managed to press all of Lars' buttons so that 11:30am saw the two of them crashing through the house shouting of unfairness. As my eyes rolled back in my head, I saw the sign, "Three Days Of This" blinking happily in my head and decided to end it now (anyone else hear the Snood guy saying that?). Gathering both fierce scowlers together in the living room, I made them look at each other until they giggled. Then, I told Ross to hitch up his pants - butt crack is really unbecoming. That did it - Ross hitched up his pants and the two of them rolled out of the room. As they disappeared, laughing and splurting "butt crack" at one another, I realized I'd just traded mild profanity for peace. If it holds the long weekend, I'll think it was a good trade.


Unknown said...

between butt crack and booty, i'd say you WME's are producing a heck of a good generation! lol...

Lady Epiphany said...

I'm going to award a point for encouraging the mild profanity, as I own that. Lauren has recently cycled "butt" out of her vernacular. She doesn't correct me, but when we're having a conversation, she will substitute "bottom" in her responses.

karen said...

As in, "Ice cream would be ok, bottom I'd like a cookie more?" :)