Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mmmmm - mmmm!

While everyone else (except Joy, of course) is busy being a paragon of Good Motherhood, I got out of the city earlier than expected and brought Chris a dozen Krispy Kremes today. We just ate seven of them (oink oink), right in front of the children, and we didn't share a single bite. What's better? I seamlessly deflected all 243 of their requests, saying they'd have to ask their father - the donuts are his - and Chris effortlessly changed the subject each time...we never actually gave them an answer! The more donuts we ate, the more bewildered the kids looked as no donuts headed their way. They didn't whine at all, either, which makes me think they haven't a clue what just happened here. All in all, VERY satisfying!


Chaotic Joy said...

This is hilarious. And the obvious joy you got out of it definitely earns you a point. Glad to see not everyone's slacking off for the Holidays.

Ginger Johnson said...

Oh, yes, a point to you! Seven? In one sitting? That's fabulous!

I just made my boys eat leftovers for supper and plunked them down on the sofa for some TV, so Mommy could blog...

karen said...

Seven! I even zapped one for a few seconds in the microwave to get that gooey liquidy texture that makes a hot Krispy Kreme SO worthwhile. We weren't sitting, though. We were standing near the table at which the kids were doing their homework. Or trying to do their homework, when they were not drooling with distinct longing toward Chris' box of donuts.

Anonymous said...

not even a little bite? or waiting until they went to bed? i recommend mega points!

Chaotic Joy said...

You know what, after further consideration I think Karen should receive 2 points for this, just because of the sheer meanness involved. SEVEN. She ate seven in front of her children, gloating the entire time. I am still in awe of this. I might have had to jump across the table tackle her at some point.

Lady Epiphany said...

I'll get behind 2 points. Eating in excess of a half dozen donuts while deflecting requests is worth that.

When I worked at Inch, my boss used to go down to WTC and grab 3 or 4 boxes (!) there were only about 10 of us who worked there, so I'll admit to having consumed 3 Krispy Kremes in a sitting. Particularly when they're warm. Mmm mmm mmm.

karen said...

WAIT! I didn't get all seven down by myself! Chris helped! WE ate seven donuts in front of the kids...I hope that doesn't lose me the second point because, a whole day later, I can still feel the glow.

Anonymous said...

This is actually your stinkiest post ever. (I say that only with the love and vinegar allowed to mothers.) I officially take back the time I let you and SisterKat eat the pumpkin pie off the floor after I dropped it! Forget ever being allowed to eat all the bacon and turkey skin before sitting down to dinner! No more backwards days where we start with desert for breakfast. I can't award points, but you are officially on Santa's BAD BAD BAD girl list!