Thursday, September 20, 2007

But That's Not ALL It Does....

When we were last in Vidler's, Lars found a Sabres keychain bottle opener with the new logo on it. He brought it over proudly, explaining how he would put it on his backpack along with his Snood keychain. Now, I may not recognize a choking hazard until we're half-way through the Heimlich Maneuver but I can spot a call from CPS coming, especially when beer and the elementary school are involved. Big Red Truck, anyone? Wishing to avoid cleaning the house for the social worker visit, I offered that we could get the Sabres keychain but - since I didn't think the school would like a bottle opener on his backpack - suggested we attach it to a hockey bag instead. Lars gave me an exasperated look. "Mama, it's not just for opening beer bottles," he admonished, "I can use it to open your beer CANS, too!"


Chaotic Joy said...

Hee hee. Well that's good to know. He might, in fact, need it at school then.

Lady Epiphany said...

Lars is such a practical kid.

Anonymous said...

You may be able to hide the bottle opener from the school, but not his mouth. You should start cleaning house now.