Wednesday, August 22, 2007


So, as I have pretty much been absent for the competition this month I thought I would make a confession so I could have at least one lousy point.

For the past 3 days I have allowed Ben to eat Cheetos and part of a yogurt cup for lunch. No funny story, no long explanation, I just didn't feel like fighting the food battle.

I guess I realized this was actually a problem when today I said, "I am making my sandwich for lunch" and he said,

"Yay! I am ready for my Cheetos"

I guess tomorrow I will have to break the cycle. I would say at least they were baked Cheetos but in Ben's case that makes it worse since his doctor said I should be pushing fatty foods.


karen said...

Cheetos contain corn and should therefore count as at least one serving of vegetable. So what if it's starchy and cheese-coated. Cheese! Maybe there's also a serving of dairy buried in that orangy lunch treasure?

LMP said...

Plus, yogurt promotes longevity. Based on that fact, I'm reasonably certain my children will live forever. I just don't know if this merits a point or not, I mean, you even seem to have some regret about the menu.

Lady Epiphany said...

I thought I'd read recently that Cheetos were gluten and dairy free, and therefore a food deemed OK for kids on...erg. Whatever they call that diet they put kids on who have neurological and behavioral problems that might be linked to food allergies. Gosh. A summer of kids and my brain turns to mush.

Joy - kid eating food! Let's just cheer that because it's got to feel like at least a small victory...

FlapScrap said...

I vote to give you the WME point. And I'm also calling Child Protective Services.

Anonymous said...

yeah, you're kid loved what you did, so that doesn't merit pts. unfortunately....maybe 1 pt. for intending to be WME?