Monday, November 24, 2008

Catty the lovey

Catty the purple, tailless cat, was a gift for big sis. She is knit, though. And Lindsay lays claim in our house to all things knit. The problem is that knit things can only withstand so much love, and the way Lindsay loves these things is to insert her left thumb into the weave so that she can suck on it while she twirls the rest of it around her index finger. This has resulted in all but the tightest knits coming unraveled. Lindsay has destroyed about 3 blankets at this point. The holes in the knit get bigger until they are strangulation risks.
Catty now has a hole in her chest and her stuffing keeps falling out, but because I can't knit, I just keep shoving the stuffing back in her and handing her back. I told Lindsay today that she can't take the stuffing out of Catty because then I will have to throw her away. Lindsay erupted into tears."But I love my Catty..."


The Plaid Sheep said...

This post sounds suspiciously like a hint...

Lady Epiphany said...

It could be a hint. Particularly since poor Catty looks a little like a deflated little purple balloon.